AiMusic Chamber Orchestra (AiMCO) was established in 2014 by Ai Music & Arts Company Limited. Our players consist of experienced local musicians graduated from local and overseas music academies and universities and professional music teachers. AiMCO is now a registered non-profit organisation. We aspire to promote the love and joy of music among different nations, races and populations.
浩樂室內樂團(AiMCO)由浩樂音樂藝術天地於2014年成立。 我們主要的成員畢業於本地和海外音樂學院和大學,包括經驗豐富的本地音樂家,以及專業音樂教師。 AiMCO現在是註冊的非牟利組織。 我們渴望在不同的國家,種族和人群中促進音樂的熱愛和歡樂。